I know its been forever since I last posted, so I apologize to all those who have been checking in for the last month. It seems like traffic is down so don't know how many of you are even keeping up with this site anymore. If you want me to post more often, please send me an email to j_skach@hotmail.com - I am curious how many people even read this anymore. It was a great tool while Riley was in the hospital, but just hard to find time anymore...
Since Riley's birthday, she's gotten very mobile. Isn't quite walking yet, but she can crawl across a room in record time. She's also pulling up on things, walking along the edge of the coffee table, etc. Starting to eat a lot more solid foods, but still bottling a lot. About the time of her birthday Pam stopped pumping and has since ran out of milk, so her bottles are completely formula now. Hard to believe we actually went through all that milk! She's starting to "talk" a little, kind of saying "DaDa" but not really (wishful thinking on my part). Loves making kissy faces, and has starting saying "Oh" a lot. She is getting into that "fun stage" where we can get her on little giggle fits. She loves to play on the floor and roll around with us. We've been going to the pool a lot, and she loves it most of the time. Also loves going on walks. The developmental specialists (OT/PT and speech therapist) still come by a few times a month to work with her. Physically, she is pretty much all caught up. Her eating and speech are still a little behind, but that will likely take until about 2 years old to catch up. And of course her hair is still red - very red. We can't go out in public or meet anyone new without them saying "Oh my, where did that red hair come from?" It's almost laughable at this point because we hear it so much.
Today we received more great news. Pam had her sonogram for baby #2 today - found out it is a boy!!! Of course we would have been just as happy with a girl, but we (me especially) were really hoping for a boy. So far, everything looks really good and healthy - but then again it did with Riley as well. She's still measuring almost 21 weeks, putting us to about Nov 29th for a due date. Since we will likely schedule a c-section, we are hoping to have the baby the week before Thanksgiving - to keep from getting too close to due date, and so Pam doesn't have to share her birthday (Nov 27th). I have posted the sonogram pictures in the "Summer 2010" album (click the link to the right).
There are tons of new photos in the Summer album, and I also created an album just for the "Riley & Baxter" photos that everyone loves seeing. Now that we have 10 of them its amazing to see how much she has grown since coming home. Gone from this chubby little infant with tubes and wires to a spry little toddler that is so darn cute! Here are some of the highlights from the last month:
Since Riley's birthday, she's gotten very mobile. Isn't quite walking yet, but she can crawl across a room in record time. She's also pulling up on things, walking along the edge of the coffee table, etc. Starting to eat a lot more solid foods, but still bottling a lot. About the time of her birthday Pam stopped pumping and has since ran out of milk, so her bottles are completely formula now. Hard to believe we actually went through all that milk! She's starting to "talk" a little, kind of saying "DaDa" but not really (wishful thinking on my part). Loves making kissy faces, and has starting saying "Oh" a lot. She is getting into that "fun stage" where we can get her on little giggle fits. She loves to play on the floor and roll around with us. We've been going to the pool a lot, and she loves it most of the time. Also loves going on walks. The developmental specialists (OT/PT and speech therapist) still come by a few times a month to work with her. Physically, she is pretty much all caught up. Her eating and speech are still a little behind, but that will likely take until about 2 years old to catch up. And of course her hair is still red - very red. We can't go out in public or meet anyone new without them saying "Oh my, where did that red hair come from?" It's almost laughable at this point because we hear it so much.
Today we received more great news. Pam had her sonogram for baby #2 today - found out it is a boy!!! Of course we would have been just as happy with a girl, but we (me especially) were really hoping for a boy. So far, everything looks really good and healthy - but then again it did with Riley as well. She's still measuring almost 21 weeks, putting us to about Nov 29th for a due date. Since we will likely schedule a c-section, we are hoping to have the baby the week before Thanksgiving - to keep from getting too close to due date, and so Pam doesn't have to share her birthday (Nov 27th). I have posted the sonogram pictures in the "Summer 2010" album (click the link to the right).
There are tons of new photos in the Summer album, and I also created an album just for the "Riley & Baxter" photos that everyone loves seeing. Now that we have 10 of them its amazing to see how much she has grown since coming home. Gone from this chubby little infant with tubes and wires to a spry little toddler that is so darn cute! Here are some of the highlights from the last month: